Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my pricing tier?

Absolutely! Click into your organization name, hit the “change pricing/plan” button, select your new plan and save! Done. You just made more money and serviced more clients.

I have an existing team. How can I add new members?

Members are added to teams via access codes of your creation. When they enter the code and join, they will have the option to start from Day 1, or start from the current date. No management required from you.

Can I communicate with clients in the app?

Yes! Our app comes with in app messaging and check ins. Communicate with individual athletes, or message a team quickly, easily, and hassle free. No more emails .

My clients send a lot of videos. Does Compound manage them all?

Oh do we ever. Not only are all videos attached to the correct set, all videos are indexed so you can view everything uploaded by a client, ever.

Can I coach nutrition through Compound?

Quickly, and easily. Create custom nutrition profiles for clients based off our nutritional algorithm, or update them on your own. Our algorithm will update calories by changing carbs first, fats second, and keeping protein fixed as long as possible.

With our MyMacros+ integration, macros will be seamlessly and easily pushed directly to your clients.

I have a pre-existing exercise library and I don’t want to rebuild it. What can I do?

This is something we’re probably the most proud of. Download our CSV, enter your exercises, create a custom tag, put your video in the video column, drag and drop. Boom. Every exercise uploaded immediately.

Updating your exercise library? Same process. Add the new ones, drag and drop, and only the new exercises will be added. We automatically scan for and remove duplicate exercises.